here to order piñon nuts now
Nutritional values of Pinon nuts
Facts Serving Size 20g - (Approx. 22.7 servings per lb.) Amount
Per Serving: Calories 190
Calories From Fat 140 %
Daily Value Total Fat 15g - 24%
Fat 4g - 18%
Carbohydrate 9g - 3%
Cholesterol 0mg - 0%
Sodium 0mg - 0%
Dietary Fiber 4g -14%
Sugars 1g Vitamin C 2%
Iron 6%
of pine nuts contain 31g protein, the highest of the nuts
and seeds.
best thing about pinon & pine nuts is their high concentration
of monounsaturated fat, which paves the way for a healthier
cardiovascular system.
vitamin D in pine nuts leads to stronger bones and teeth,
by improving the body's ability to absorb calcium, and vitamins
A and C may sharpen vision and boost the immune system.
in general are very nutritious, providing protein and many
essential vitamins, such as A and E, minerals, such as phosphorous
and potassium, and fiber.
The pinon is also an exceptionally good source of thiamin,
at 1.28 mg/100gms. (Animal organs, rich in vitamins and minerals,
have thiamin values in the 0.2 to 0.5 range. Brewers yeast
has outstanding amounts of thiamin, at around 16mg/100 grams;
but eating any significant amount of straight yeast is not
easy, where eating 100 grams of pinon nuts is easy!
Pinons contain 1% of the organic phosphorus compound lecithin,
which binds chemically with cholesterol, thus reducing the
amount of pure cholesterol in the bloodstream.
Nuts are full of monounsaturated fats, which can help lower
your cholesterol, and polyunsaturated fats, which can help
prevent heart disease. Plus, nuts are a good source of protein
, calcium , phosphorus , zinc , copper , selenium , folate
, vitamin E and vitamin A
protect the nutritive value of the nut, pine nuts should ideally
be stored 'in - shell' - apart from other wild gathered nuts.If
you plan to store shelled pine nuts for long, they would be
better frozen. P rocessed
nuts lose their nutritional value quickly. Shelled
pine nuts can become rancid easily and should be stored in
the fridge or freezer.
are also high in carbohydrates and oils, so shouldn't be eaten
in excess.
clean, roast and salt in a process that we have perfected.
We package and ship them and ship directly to you.