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The 2008 crop is in short supply, but has the best flavor and size in years.

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Historical references and
significance of Pine nuts

Below you will find historical references to pine nuts from ancient Greece Rome and even the Bible.

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The Bible: Hosea was a minor Hebrew prophet who lived during the eighth century B.C in the kingdom of Israel. The Old Testament mentions the nut in Hosea 14:8 "I am like a green fir tree. From me is thy fruit found." Many Biblical scholars believe that this tree was the stone pine and the edible fruits referred to was the pine nut.

Ancient Greece and Rome: The ancient Greeks and Romans appreciated the taste of the pine nuts. Among the Greeks, the stone pine was a tree sacred to the god Neptune. Records exist that mention consumption of pine nuts around the beginning of the Christian era. The kernels were eaten, preserved in honey, during Pliny's time.

Pompei: Archaeologists have found pine nuts among household foodstuffs in the ruins of Pompeii, destroyed by the violent eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. The Roman Legions carried pine nuts among their provisions, evidenced by pine nut shells uncovered in refuse dumps of Roman encampments in Britain which date from the middle of the first century.

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